Tuesday, May 10, 2011

this movie is gettin' good!

Notice how the film is so artfully made - the image and music and story and dialog all contribute.  Why do you think the director decided to shoot from an extreme long shot (with the camera far away) when Daniel and HW are reunited?  What's up with all of the slapping?  Is rancher Bandy really a "man of God" or is he in cahoots with Eli to embarrass Daniel?  What do you make of the scene in the saloon, just as Daniel and HW are settling in for two big steaks?  There is a great deal to consider!  A great deal indeed ...

We finish There Will Be Blood tomorrow, and then we will jump back to a focus on Gatsby for a class period and 1/2 ... then we will jump into Friday Night Lights.

Next week we will craft our Gatsby character web pages, begin our compare and contrast essays, and read some of Friday Night Lights.


  1. A great movie . I highly recommend everyone to watch it :)
    Jenny K.

  2. I agree with Jenny I just wish it had more action

  3. The movie really shocked me today. I expected Daniel to die, that bastard !
    Anyways, it wasn't my type of movie but I enjoyed it. It kept me awake, unlike other movies I watch that put me to sleep.
    Jenny K.

  4. The scene was far because it shows distance that was between them. Also, it shows how work is a priority over family. There is a lot of slapping because of anger and revenge. The rancher is working with Eli because Eli knew exactly how to react and didn't hesitate with his actions. He puts the sheets over his face so the child won't read his lips. Also, to create some humor and amusement.
    Alexis Racine


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